libby + jamison engagements

This beautiful couple made me really excited for all my spring and summer weddings! I mean, look how cute they are! If all my clients are this in-love in front of the camera (and in real life, of course) then I will be set for the entire year! Enjoy their gorgeous engagement photos taken at the Utah State Capitol Building and also at the International Peace Gardens.

lorenzo family

This family ... wow ... such a beautiful, sweet, and put-together family. Their two children are so adventurous and have so much personality! This entire shoot was non-stop fun and action!

the mcqueen family

I sure do love me a fabulous family photo shoot with really, really nice people! Being good-looking doesn't hurt either, right? This family holds some of the nicest, most genuine people I've met.

missy + ryan + sawyer

Take a peek inside the home of Missy + Ryan to see how they welcomed home their new son, Sawyer. These two are the sweetest of parents and I was so thankful to them for letting me in to their private life.

missy + ryan's maternity

Missy and Ryan have been long-time clients of mine since they hired me for their wedding back in 2010. It's safe to say they're much more to me now ... I like to consider us friends. When I heard they were expecting a baby boy my heart soared! These two deserve nothing but happiness and a sweet bundle of joy to fill their home.