Before visiting the island of Kauai I had heard it was paradise ... the prettiest place ... heaven. I'd visited Oahu twice so I thought I knew what Hawaii had to offer. Boy was I wrong!! Kauai really is a tropical paradise! It's small enough to see the entire island during your trip, there is enough variation in scenery for everyone's tastes, activities for all skill levels and interests, and some of the prettiest coastline I've ever seen. The towns throughout the Island are small and quaint but with big taste! We were very impressed with the food in Kauai, but outside of the hotels.
Some of the highlights of our trip were:
- Catamaran to the Na' Pali Coastline ... we saw three pods of dolphins, two sea turtles, lots of jumping fish, and of course while we snorkeled we saw many brilliantly colored fish.
- Kayaking up the Wailua River to the Secret Falls. It was not only breathtakingly beautiful, but a workout as well!
- Hiking the Na' Pali Coast up the Kalalau Trail 3 miles in and wow ... such a pretty hike!
- Hiking to one of the wettest spots on earth! Mount Waialeale receives 450+ inches of rain a year! It was a muddy hike, complete with a fall and being covered entirely in mud!
- Stand-Up Paddle Boarding in Hanalei Bay
- Touring a Taro Farm
- The short hike and the gorgeous view at the Queen's Bath
- Waimea Canyon was unreal!
Bottom line is we had a blast and we will return there in our lifetime, guaranteed!